Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Very First!

This is the debut post on the new blog! Right now I am sitting at the computer in the 3C's of 21st Century Skills (thus the 21C in the blog title) as we are learning to use many online tools to extend and open up our network of contacts and resources.
In time I will add more meaningful material, links to videos I made and other sites of interest.

More to come....


  1. Congratulations on getting your blog up and running, Bob. It looks great. I am in the 21st Century Skills class also, and I, too, look forward to learning more about this amazing technology. Our class is sure to bring us all the way around this flat earth of ours!

  2. Thanks for the post! It's exciting to see that I actually reached out to someone! Had some interesting experiences at school today...I asked the kids if they knew about WIKI and half the class is using them in their Media classes! Now I have to find a way to use them in my own!

  3. As I am sitting here Sunday night I came across a blog site of a grade 8 science teacher up in Reading, MA, and was blown away. Here is a teacher with such a great command of the technology that he has activelly engaged his kids in many different streams of technology to enhance learning. Don't know if it's OK to cite his link here on this blog, but I may just go ahead and contact him myself. Certainly some real world inspiration!
